SD Yadav Math Book All Chapter - by Dhanjeet Giri
➪ Chapter- 01. संख्या पद्धति (Number System Question)
➪ Chapter- 02. महत्तम समापवर्तक तथा लघुत्तम समापवर्त्य (HCF and LCM Question)
➪ Chapter- 03. दशमलव भिन्न (Decimal Fraction Question)
➪ Chapter- 04. सरलीकरण (Simplification Question)
➪ Chapter- 05. वर्गमूल तथा घनमूल (Square Root and Cube Root Question)
➪ Chapter- 06. औसत (Average Question)
➪ Chapter- 07. संख्याओं पर आधारित प्रश्न (Problems on Number Question)
➪ Chapter- 08. आयु संबंधित प्रश्न (Problems on Age Question)
➪ Chapter- 09. घातांक तथा करणी (Surds and Incides Question)
➪ Chapter- 10. प्रतिशतता (Percentage Question)
➪ Chapter- 11. लाभ तथा हानि (Profit and Loss Question)
➪ Chapter- 12. अनुपात व समानुपात (Ratio and Proportion Question)
➪ Chapter- 13. साझा (Partnership Question)
➪ Chapter- 14. मिश्र समानुपात (Compound Proportion Question)
➪ Chapter- 15. समय तथा कार्य (Time and Work Question)
➪ Chapter- 16. पाईप तथा टंकी के प्रश्न (Pipes and Cistems Question)
➪ Chapter- 17. समय तथा दूरी (Time and Distance Question)
➪ Chapter- 18. रेल संबंधित प्रश्न (Problems on Trains Question)
➪ Chapter- 19. धारा तथा नाव संबधित प्रश्न (Boats and Streams Question)
➪ Chapter- 20. मिश्रण (Alligation and Mixture Question)
➪ Chapter- 21. साधारण ब्याज (Simple Interest Question)
➪ Chapter- 22. चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज (Compound Interest PDF)
➪ Chapter- 23. क्षेत्रफल (Area Based Question)
➪ Chapter- 24. ठोस वस्तुओं के आयतन (Volume of Solid Based Question)
➪ Chapter- 25. दौड (Races related Questions)
➪ Chapter- 26. कैलेण्डर (Calendar related Question)
➪ Chapter- 27. घडी (Clock related Question)
➪ Chapter- 28. स्टॉक तथा शेयर (Stock and Shares Question)
➪ Chapter- 29. मिती काटा (True Discount Question)
➪ Chapter- 30. महाजनी बट्टा (Banker's Discount Question)
➪ Chapter- 31. बीजगणित (Algebra Question)
➪ Chapter- 32. दो चरों में रैखिक समीकरण (Linear Equation in Two Variable Question)
➪ Chapter- 33. द्विघात समीकरण (Quadratic Equation Question)
➪ Chapter- 34. त्रिकोणमिति (Trigonometry Question)
➪ Chapter- 35. रेखायें तथा कोण (Lines and Angles Question)
➪ Chapter- 36. त्रिभुज (Triangles Question)
➪ Chapter- 37. चतुर्भुज (Quadrilaterals Question)
➪ Chapter- 38. वृत्त (Circles Question)
➪ Chapter- 39. बहुभुज (Polygons Question)
➪ Chapter- 40. सारणीयन (Tabulation Question)
➪ Chapter- 41. दण्ड आलेख (Bar Graphs Question)
➪ Chapter- 42. रेखाचित्र (Line Graphs Question)
➪ Chapter- 43. पाई चार्ट (Pie Chart Question)
➪ Chapter- 44. संख्या श्रेणी (Number Series Question)
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